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The Full Story


Welcome to Last Ka Journey’s where I hope to bring new and impactful experiences as well as showing you these journeys that I’m going to go through so come along and join me on this journey.

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Last Ka

Last Ka'Sparks or Last Ka (aka LaDe Richardson) 22-year-old male who loves to help any way he can. He has been a part of many different events in the world that has made an impact in the world. Now he what's to stand like one of many legends in the world making an impact.  He is the Founder of Flying in Success and will show you every way possible of the types of success there is and what they look like.  Last ka is also an Creator in the arts and Rising philanthropist doing what ever he can to give back and guiding young minds to a brighter path.


My mission is to new heights within our community's and lives by making a successful impact. Guiding young and wise minds alike to achieve unity and equality within us all. Also by helping others by creating change through 

meaningful impact by using our skills, talents, raising awareness within our time. To create a brighter future for all.


Let The Sparks Fly!

I hope you join me in this Journey!

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